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How to Assess for Dissociative Disorders and Conceptualize Treatment Planning in Complex Cases

Interview with Kathy Steele

Daydreaming, ‘getting lost’ in a book and highway hypnosis are all examples of mild dissociation. Those occasions when we “space out” or “lose touch” to awareness of our immediate surroundings are a common and normal part of the human experience.

Dissociation is also a common symptom in trauma-related disorders. Someone who experiences trauma, perhaps a disaster, an accident or abuse may dissociate the memory of that event as a way of mentally escaping from feelings of fear, terror and pain that are overwhelming. Dissociating may help that person to bear up against something too difficult to tolerate or process normally, but often it causes problems with functioning in everyday life.

Most therapists will likely have clients who dissociate regularly because of a history of childhood abuse and neglect. Assessing and treating dissociation, however, can be difficult for therapists unless they’ve had special training in that area.

According to psychotherapist, consultant and author, Kathy Steele, “understanding the neurobiology and psychological underpinnings of dissociation” is key in “knowing how to treat it rationally and sequentially.”

Kathy and Envision are teaming up on November 16 to present a workshop entitled: How to Assess for Dissociative Disorders and Conceptualize Treatment Planning in Complex Cases.

Participants will examine the different symptoms that are labeled dissociative and what questions to ask in order to explore the client’s dissociative experiences together. They will also learn how to create a treatment plan for a client with a dissociative disorder and distinguish between different types of memory problems.

Register now for this workshop and learn strategies to assess dissociative disorders that will open a path toward a rational, coherent treatment plan for your clients.

Registration in CAD$

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Steele, K. (2013). Six Reasons to Assess and Treat Dissociation.

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