Join this interactive learning experience on March 4th!

Don't miss this upcoming presentation Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR in the Treatment of Trauma and Medically Unexplained Pain Reserve your seat!
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Workshop Description
Although Hypnosis and EMDR are categorically different interventions, in practice there is much interchange between the two, and many advantages to their being used together. Both approaches involve similar phenomena including special learning states, age regression and progression, controlled use of dissociation and evocation of unconscious resources.
Many interventions used in and with EMDR such as float-back, future template and conference room technique, owe their existence to hypnosis. Although its potential is probably greatly under-appreciated, hypnosis has good credentials as a treatment for chronic pain/MUS. EMDR has amassed a significant body of research relatively to its age as a treatment for MUS. Hypnosis is generally regarded as being complimentary to other therapies including CBT and EMDR.
In this workshop clinical psychologist Mark Grant will introduce you to EMDR and Hypnosis and how to integrate these two approaches into a ‘dynamic duo’ for treating trauma and medically unexplained pain.
This material will be illustrated through case-histories, videos, demonstrations and experiential activities.
This course is suitable for clinicians who have at least a basic training in EMDR. Training in hypnosis is not a pre-requisite.